Tweetstorm to #LearnFromOurPast in Tennessee
Toolkit for Virtual Activists
Friday, May 21, 11 am CT – 1 pm CT
A dangerous bill that will ban Tennessee students from learning about America's complex and painful history of racism and oppression is on its way to Gov. Bill Lee's desk to be signed into law, and he needs to hear from you why Tennessee students deserve better than this misguided, backwards legislation. Take action by urging Gov. Lee to veto SB 623.
What's a tweetstorm?
A tweetstorm is like a virtual rally in which participants from all over the state and country take to social media at the exact same moment, using the same hashtag, to tell decisionmakers how they feel about an issue. A tweetstorm is a good way to raise awareness and get decisionmakers' attention, because when everyone participates in the tweetstorm together, the virtual pressure coincides at the same moment and it feels like it's coming from everywhere, all at once.
Bill Overview
In the last days of the legislative session, lawmakers quickly rushed through an education bill that seeks to erase America's complex and painful history of racism and oppression from Tennessee classrooms – a legacy that still impacts our country, our institutions and our culture today.
SB 623 outlines a series of 14 "concepts" that cannot be taught in the classroom, including that "this state or the United States is fundamentally… racist or sexist." The legislation also requires "impartial" instruction on our nation's history of racial oppression. If teachers cross this line – intentionally or not – they risk the state withholding funding to their schools.
This ugly bill – modeled after an executive order issued by Donald Trump that was struck down as unconstitutional — is an effort to perpetuate and codify a deeply flawed and skewed version of American history. It promotes a particular vision of history that glorifies a past rooted in white supremacy while silencing the viewpoints and experiences of all who have suffered through individual and structural inequalities that exist today.
Tennessee students need to keep having thoughtful, serious conversations about our painful history, its legacy, and the lessons it has to offer us about today. Banning these crucial conversations is a clear step in the wrong direction on our long march for true equity.
- On Friday, May 21, 2021, post on Twitter about this bill and tag Governor Bill Lee (@GovBillLee) between 11am - 1:00pm CST. We want to make sure everyone participates in the tweetstorm at the same time so the virtual pressure coincides at the exact same moment and it feels like it's coming from everywhere. All of Governor Lee's social media info is listed below. The contact list also includes information for Facebook and Instagram.
- Use the sample tweets and graphics below, or feel free to use your own language to communicate your concerns and experiences. Tweet as many times as you feel comfortable posting. The more, the better!
- Use the #LearnFromOurPast hashtag so we can find each other's posts and try to boost attention to our collective voice.
- Like and retweet others posting under #LearnFromOurPast. This helps amplify the tweets' reach, and targets will get notifications when others engage with each post.
- We want participation from anywhere and everywhere, to let Governor Lee know the world is watching. But if you live in Tennessee, please also be sure to tag Governor Lee and let him know you live in his state and want to be heard! Find Twitter handles and other contact info below.
- If you can't join during the tweetstorm, schedule your tweets ahead of time. Schedule your tweets directly on the Twitter app or learn how with Tweet Deck.
Sample Tweets
Feel free to modify and personalize these – put them in your own voice, add who you are ("As a parent…," "As a teacher…," "As a student…," "As a Tennessean," etc.) Just remember to tag @GovBillLee, #LearnFromOurPast and #TNLeg.
- SB623 will erase America’s painful history of racism and oppression from Tennessee classrooms – a legacy that still impacts our country today. @GovBillLee – do the right thing and veto this ugly, dangerous bill. #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- .@GovBillLee, Tennessee students need thoughtful, serious conversations about our nation's painful history, its legacy, and the lessons it has to offer us today. Veto SB623 and #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- Banning crucial conversations about racism is a clear step in the wrong direction on our long march for true equity in Tennessee. @GovBillLee, please veto SB623 and #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- Tell @GovBillLee to veto SB623, which will censor school discussions of our country's history of racism and sexism. Stop this backwards censorship bill and let our students #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- We should support our teachers, not threaten funding to their schools if they teach students about our nation’s history of racial oppression. @GovBillLee, we need you to VETO SB623 and #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- SB623 is an effort to perpetuate and codify a deeply flawed and skewed version of American history that glorifies white supremacy. @GovBillLee must VETO this dangerous bill. #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- Our teachers deserve better than being threatened with withheld funding for their schools if they dare to teach their students about our country's complex racial history. @GovBillLee needs to support teachers and VETO this bill. #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg |Schedule this Tweet Now
- Our students deserve better than SB623, which glorifies a past rooted in white supremacy while silencing the experiences of all who have suffered through inequalities that exist today. @GovBillLee should VETO this bill. #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg | Schedule this Tweet Now
- Tell @GovBillLee that our students deserve serious, thoughtful conversations about our country's complex and painful history. We shouldn't force SB 623, which glorifies a past rooted in white supremacy, onto students in our state. Tell Lee to VETO SB 623. #LearnFromOurPast #TNLeg |Schedule this Tweet Now
Sample Graphics
Click here to download graphics to share on Twitter.
Gov. Lee Contact Info
Twitter: @GovBillLee
Instagram: @govbilllee
Facebook: @Gov. Bill Lee
Website: https://TN.gov/Governor