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Questions to Ask Your DA

The ACLU does not endorse or oppose candidates, but we do believe voters should have the information they need to make informed decisions.

July 29, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions About Redistricting

Redistricting plays a vital role in our communities and affects the daily lives of all Tennesseans. The drawing of district lines can dictate not only who runs for public office and who is elected, but also how financial resources are allocated for schools, hospitals, roads and more.

July 22, 2022

Money Bail in Shelby County Infographic

Under Shelby County’s current, unconstitutional pretrial system, a person can be held for weeks or longer without a bail hearing with counsel, and ability to pay is not considered when bail is set, leaving those who cannot afford to pay detained indefinitely, even if they are not a flight or safety

April 14, 2022