Freedom of expression protects our right to read, learn and share ideas free from viewpoint-based censorship. Tennessee legislators shouldn’t suppress that right by banning books and further censoring teachers or employees of LEAs.
On Wednesday, March 13, the Senate Education Committee will take up SB 1858/HB 1632. This bill allows any parent with a child eligible to attend a school operated by a local LEA or public charter school to sue the LEA or charter school, if they believe they aren’t enforcing Public Chapter 744, a 2022 law aimed at censoring and restricting students from learning about race and gender in schools.
Tell your legislators to oppose this oppressive and vague bill, which further threatens free speech in the classroom.
Public Chapter 744 already requires LEAs to post a list of library collections on their website and to include updated policies for reviewing materials, which must include a procedure to “evaluate feedback” from a student, parent, or school employee when materials are deemed inappropriate.
SB 1858/HB 1632 proposes a significant expansion of existing policy by providing pathways for legal challenges against a school by parents – even if they have no affiliation with that school, encouraging misinformed lawsuits, further shrinking the books available in school libraries, and limiting students’ ability to explore different ideas, viewpoints, and topics.
Tell your legislator to oppose and vote NO on SB 1858/HB 1632.