Tennessee lawmakers are pushing SB 836/HB 793, a dangerous bill that would allow schools to discriminate against undocumented kids by denying them enrollment. 


The Tennessee legislature has prioritized SB 836/HB 793, which would allow local education agencies and public charter schools to refuse enrollment to undocumented students, a blatant violation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding in Plyler v. Doe. This harmful legislation would further restrict access to public education, making it harder for Tennessee communities to receive quality, safe education. 

This is part of an ongoing attack on the fair treatment of immigrants and the public education system in Tennessee as a whole. The United States guarantees every child living in the country the right to free public education, and strong public schools are the foundation of our communities. Every parent should feel safe sending their child to school and being involved in their education. 

What Does SB 836/HB 793 Do? 

If passed, this bill would:

  • Require school districts to collect private immigration status information – Even though federal court precedents generally prohibit public schools from collecting this information from students.
  • Permit school districts to deny enrollment to undocumented children – This law would allow schools to blatantly discriminate against undocumented kids, even though access to free public education is a right guaranteed to all children in the United States. 

The Harmful Impact of SB 836/HB 793 

  • Threaten the availability of Tennessee’s future workforce – By reducing the number of students in our public schools, the state’s workforce will dwindle, forcing families to move and companies to select other states to grow their businesses.  
  • Create a culture of panic in Tennessee public schools – By allowing schools to discriminate, this law could intimidate mixed status families from entering public schools or being involved in their child's education.  

Follow the Money

If this bill is enacted, it would lower enrollment in Tennessee’s K-12 public schools. Increasingly, Tennessee is competing with other states for jobs based on the availability of workers. As companies weigh whether to expand or relocate to Tennessee, reducing the number of students in the education system could result in companies selecting states other than Tennessee to grow their businesses. 

Millions in taxpayer dollars would be spent enforcing and defending this law, while thousands of children could lose access to their schools. 

What’s at Stake? 

Ensuring that every child can attend school benefits all of us. Well-educated communities are stronger communities. Increased levels of education are associated with stronger civic engagement, increased earnings and tax revenue, and better health outcomes. 

We need policies that expand access to public education, not legislation that intimidates parents and denies education to undocumented kids. 

Take Action 

Tell your legislators to VOTE "NO" on SB 836/HB 793 and stop this vicious attack on undocumented kids before it’s too late. 

CLICK HERE to contact your representative.


Rep. Lamberth, Sen. Watson





Bill number

