September 5, 2017
Lindsay Kee, 615-320-7142
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Trump administration today announced that is rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
ACLU of Tennessee Executive Director Hedy Weinberg issued the following statement in reaction:
"Today, the government and President Trump threw the lives and futures of 800,000 Dreamers and their families into disarray, and injected chaos and uncertainty into thousands of workplaces and communities across America.
"In Tennessee alone, more than 8,300 of our neighbors used their DACA status to give back to our country in innumerable ways: they are our doctors, soldiers, and students. Our neighbors, family, and friends.
"Now, the fate of 800,000 young adults who were part of DACA nationwide, who call this country their home, lies in the hands of Congress. Lawmakers such as Senators Corker and Alexander, Congressman Duncan and others must decide if they are on the side of Dreamers and our country’s foundation or on the side of the ugly forces that helped to end DACA.
"While this is a hard day for the immigrant community and America as a whole, we will continue to fight. Years of courage, sacrifices, and organizing won the DACA program in 2012. Nothing will deter these Americans and our allies in Tennessee and across the country from continuing to fight on behalf of their futures and holding those responsible accountable."
Additional information about the DACA program and its impact on Tennessee can be found here:
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