May 20, 2016

CONTACT: Lindsay Kee, ACLU-TN communications director, 615-320-7142

NASHVILLE – Governor Bill Haslam today allowed SJR 467 to become law without his signature. This resolution directs the state attorney general to file a lawsuit against the federal government for allegedly failing to consult with the state on refugee resettlement and mandating appropriation of state revenue.

SJR 467 also authorizes employment of outside counsel to file such a lawsuit should the attorney general refuse to do so.

The following can be attributed to Hedy Weinberg, executive director of the ACLU of Tennessee:

“We are disappointed that the governor has chosen to allow this discriminatory resolution to become law. We share his concerns that this measure allows an unconstitutional power grab by one branch of government, undermining the separation of powers that is at the very heart of the Tennessee Constitution. This fear-driven attempt to halt refugee resettlement in our state by targeting families who are themselves fleeing violence and terror does not make our state safer. We will monitor implementation of this resolution to ensure that all residents of our state are treated fairly, equally and compassionately.”