1. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you propose programs and/or initiatives to limit the number of arrests for minor offenses in the city?
If elected, I would support job creation, workforce development, and entrepreneurship for youth and adults. I would propose more trade school options. I will support increasing funding for school, community-based afterschool programs, and extracurricular activities. Additionally, I will support reviewing the arrest and sentencing process for minor offenses.
2. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you support a pre-booking diversion program for drug-related offenses and for those suffering from mental health issues?
If elected to City Council, I will support pre-booking diversion programming for drug-related offenses that involve adolescents and or those with substance use disorders. It is imperative for first responders to receive specialized training, such as Mental Health First Aid, to assist with identifying individuals suffering from mental health disorders to divert them to the appropriate community-based agencies for assessment and treatment as opposed to incarceration.
3. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you support a policy to require transparency and democratic accountability before city agencies acquire new surveillance tools?
4. If elected or re-elected to the city council will you work to make stop and arrest data, including race and ethnicity data, available to the public quarterly?
5. If elected or re-elected to the city council what will you do to ensure a timely, transparent and independent investigation whenever an officer uses deadly force?
If elected, I will support protecting crime scenes and allowing proper authorities to get necessary evidence. Vital aspects of timely, transparent and independent investigations include partnering with the citizen and clergy academy to educate citizens and ensuring the Community Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) is involved. Finally, as a council member, I would work to ensure the public receives systematic updates regarding the investigation
6. Name 3 steps you would take as a council member to make the Community Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) more effective.
As a council member, my priorities for making CLERB more effective would be:
1) ensuring the board is diverse and representative of the community it serves.
2) including law enforcement representatives.
3) giving the board enough autonomy to perform yet ensure accountability and transparency.
7. Would you support policies, programs or initiatives to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline?
I will support programs, policies, and initiatives that support free Pre-K programs that have strong foundational reading skills as a priority. It is also necessary to identify, activate, and partner with community agencies and faith-based groups that provide wraparound services for students.
8. What does criminal justice reform mean to you?
Criminal Justice means emphasizing reform instead of "revictimization" of the offender. There needs to be less bureaucracy in the juvenile and criminal justice system. I would like to see more emphasis placed on reentry programs that promote healthy transitions back into society in addition to improving the efficiency for inmate release.