Oppose HJR 7: A Dangerous Personhood Resolution

Extremist politicians have long sought to enshrine fetal personhood laws at the state level as a stepping stone to their ultimate goal: convincing the U.S. Supreme Court to declare that fertilized eggs have the same constitutional rights as people.

HJR 7 would define personhood as beginning at fertilization—granting embryos legal rights and putting Tennesseans’ access to IVF, contraception, and essential reproductive health care at serious risk. If passed, this measure would strip individuals of their reproductive rights and open the door to even more government
interference in personal medical decisions.

What Does HJR 7 Do?
This dangerous resolution would:

  • Grant legal rights to embryos, setting the stage for banning birth control and IVF—worsening the public health crisis caused by Tennessee’s abortion ban.
  • Jeopardize fertility treatments by creating legal uncertainty around IVF, as seen in Alabama when clinics shut down in response to a similar personhood ruling.
  • Erode constitutional protections for reproductive health care, allowing the government to control Tennesse families’ deeply personal medical decisions.

The Harmful Impact of HJR 7

  • Threatens access to contraception and IVF – Contraceptives that prevent fertilization or implantation, such as IUDs and emergency contraception, could be outlawed under this measure. IVF providers and patients could face legal liability for embryo disposal, making these services inaccessible.
  • Creates chaos, fear, and barriers to care – As seen in Alabama, personhood laws create medical and legal uncertainty that forces clinics to close, leaving families in limbo.
  • Imposes extreme government interference in private decisions – Tennesseans deserve the right to decide whether, when, and how to build their families, free from political interference.
  • Defies the will of the people – The vast majority of Americans support access to contraception, IVF, and abortion care, yet lawmakers continue to push extremist policies that strip away fundamental rights.

What’s at Stake?
Tennessee families should be free from government interference in personal decisions about reproductive health care. These decisions impact financial well-being, job security, workforce participation, and educational attainment.
Extremist politicians were never going to stop at overturning Roe v. Wade. Their goal is a nationwide abortion ban and the total elimination of reproductive freedom—including birth control and fertility treatments.

Take Action
Click here to tell your legislator to VOTE NO on HJR 7 and protect reproductive freedom in Tennessee.


Rep. Gino Bulso


Passed committee



Bill number

